Placeholder Post

This placeholder post attempts to fulfill the minimum requirements of the blogpact.


Update (7 December 2012): I wrote this post a few days ago, as a sort of example of what the minimum blog post could be. Then, I posted to the blogpact list, asking what the minimum sufficient blog post would be. I suggested that this post, in its original form, would not pass muster because it was shorter than a tweet. The response (there was only one) was that I should post something interesting, and make an honest effort. Try to post something that would be interesting to other people.


Actually, going back to the email, the writer said simply, “Write something interesting,” and I inferred the “to other people part.” I can get in line with an unaugmented interestingness directive: all I have to do is make it interesting to myself!


All right. Those are all good goals, but that’s also not the way I write. In fact, the pressure of having to figure out what would be interesting to other people and come up with a worthy blog post, well, that way lies writer’s block.


I’d rather write crap and edit it later. I think that sentiment is appropriate to the blog form. Also, I don’t have a problem with editing in public. The thing is that rather than coming up with ideas and writing about them, I write by just writing, and then ideas start flowing into my mind, so I write about them.



