Maker Faire weekend

We had a really good Maker Faire weekend. It started out kind of slow, but in the end, I thought it was perhaps the best one so far. One thing that was really great was our evolving ability to leave the kids on their own in certain, semi-supervised environments. We left JH (almost 8) in the cardboard city for a while, and he seemed to do very well. Sunny (almost 6) is still not old enough to be left without adult supervision, even for just a few minutes, so she spent most of her time with her Mom. Nevertheless, she seemed amenable to going wherever Sara wanted to go.

JH really wanted to do interactive projects like the cardboard city, underwater vessel making, Roblox, or Legos. I don’t blame him. Unfortunately, his desires conflicted somewhat with my desires to see less interactive presentations on food, space, history, and technology.

The presentations I saw today were my favorite. I was really inspired by Nicole Easterday’s presentation on cheesemaking. I’d love to take one of her classes some time. I also saw a really good presentation by Steve Ford, Green Coffee Buyer for Ritual Roasters, from whom we buy most of our coffee for home brewing. At Ritual, they use the Hario V60 for their drip coffee, and it’s a really inexpensive way to brew coffee. I’m curious to get one and try it. I was surprised to learn that they brew their coffee at a high temperature, approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit, which was higher than I had thought coffee should be brewed.



